Edain Mod Wiki

"Upon great pedestals founded in the deep waters stood two great kings of stone: still with blurred eyes and crannied brows they frowned upon the North. The left hand of each was raised palm outwards in gesture of warning; in each hand there was an axe; upon each head there was a crumbling helm and crown. Great power and majesty they still wore, the silent wardens of a long-vanished kingdom. "
The Fellowship of the Ring

The Argonath was a monument composed of two enormous statues of Isildur and Anárion, and it marked the northern border of the kingdom of Gondor. In The Fellowship of the Ring, the statues are instead Isildur and Elendil. It was close to this border where the Fellowship was broken and Boromir slain by Uruks by the Falls of Rauros.

The Argonath

The Gates of Argonath as seen in the Fellowship of the ring movie.


Camp Plot
Camp Plot - Camp plots are smaller versions of Castles, smaller walls that cannot be manned and fewer defensive plots. In addition, there are fewer plots, requiring that some risks be taken with external economy plots. Camp plots cost 2000 to build.
Outpost Plot
Outpost Plot - Outposts only contain three building plots (unless you build the faction-specific outpost or the dwarven outpost which has 3 defensive plots) They are forward bases meant to support your war effort, acting as either an anchor in enemy territory or as economic support.
Settlement Plot
Settlement Plot - Settlements are small, cheap plots that provide either unit recruitment buildings or economy buildings. They're aren't the most powerful but can prove key in holding economic victory.

View of the Map[]

The argonath creeps

This map has two main river crossings which hold the key for any invasion or defense. The eastern crossing is much more narrow than the western crossing, and both have defensive towers that can be garrisoned with archers on each shore.

Lair Locations[]

  • Goblin Lairs: Goblinlair

Gollum Possible Spawn Points[]

  • Gollum: Gollum spawn location

Points of Interest[]

Elvenbrooch *POIs are marked with an elven brooch.*

  • The Argonath: The two enormous statues of Isildur and Elendil

Lair Types[]

Goblin Lair[]


Goblin lairs are the most common creeps. Their goblins deal a very small amount of damage, are high in number and respawn quite quickly. Usually the best strategy is to rush for the lair, cut the flow at the source and then take care of any leaks. Cavalry can also be used to clean up the exteriors but can be tricky due to goblin spears being a part of the creeps.
