- "Again trumpets rang, and a press of roaring men leaped forth. They held their great shields above them like a roof, while in their midst they bore two trunks of mighty trees. ... They gained the gates. The trees, swung by strong arms, smote the timbers with a rending boom. ... Again and again the great rams swung and crashed. "
- —The Two Towers
The Isengard Battering Ram is one of the more simple and basic siege engines that Isengard has to offer. It can be recruited from a Level 1 Siege Works. Maximize its utility by protecting it with other units such as Uruk-hai. It can attack buildings and gates but not walls.
Battering Assault - When assaulting gates, Battering Ram (Isengard)s disable the gate making it impossible to close/open.
This unit has no upgrades. This means that this unit can not gain any sort of permanent boost from upgrades found in either its palantir or from other units/heroes. If this is not the case, fill in the section following the format of other pages. |
This team of orc-folk have the same boorish strategy that the orcs of Mordor have when it comes to siege weaponry: Chop down a tree, strap a cap to the front, and slam it repeatedly into a wall. Simple, cheap, and effective, this battering ram is a great tool for attacking enemy defenses when you're strapping for resources at the start of the game. Keep it well-protected in the midst of a band of your other soldiers, and don't let it stray too far from a meat shield. This siege weapon is very weak against soldiers in general, and is super-slow, so it generally pales in comparison to the later siege weapons that Isengard has to offer.