Edain Mod Wiki

Defend the Shire is an official Edain Mission map. A non-standard map that offers a different way of playing and objective. This one in particular offers a unique take on the Tower Defense formula where instead training hordes of units from standard faction buildings to fire on the enemy from an elevated position you use your assigned faction Builder to create individual units which will have to engage enemies from either melee in range but always with the risk of dying. If the enemies manage to kill all your units they will proceed to attack your hobbits, if all your hobbits are defeated you will lose the game. This map can either be played as an 1v1 or a 2V2 or as a 2 player survival co-op. The map has 41 standard waves and if any enemy players are still alive by then a special endless wave will follow during which who ever can survive the longest will win.

This map is heavily modified and as a result only factions that have been coded in to work will work. Only the following factions can be played on the map:

  • Gondor
  • Rohan
  • Dwarves
  • Imladris
  • Lothlorien
  • Isengard (Rhovanion)

The AI works on this map so you can play with/against bots.



Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Gondor Soldiers Builder 30 400 40 Strong at Melee None Banner Carrier, Dol Amroth Soldier, Gondor Knight
Gondor Pikemen Builder 40 400 40 Strong against Cavalry None Tower Guard, Guard of the Citadel
Gondor Archer Builder 50 200 20 Strong at Range None Ithilien Ranger, Guardian of the Third Company
Banner Carrier Gondor Soldier 50 600 40 Strong at Melee The standard-bearer provides order and discipline, and nearby friendly units receive + 30% armor. Passive Ability None
Dol Amroth Soldier Gondor Soldier 60 950 70 Strong at Melee None Guardians of the White City
Gondor Knight Gondor Soldier 70 950 65 Strong against Archers None Knight of Dol Amroth
Tower Guard Gondor Pikemen 50 1250 55 Strong against Cavalry and Monsters None None
Guard of the Citadel Gondor Pikemen 170 2900 170 Strong against Cavalry and Monsters None None
Ithilien Ranger Gondor Archer 60 400 42 Strong at Range None None
Guardian of the Third Company Gondor Archer 200 950 80 Strong at Range None None
Guardian of the White City Dol Amroth Soldier 230 3000 250 Strong at melee The Guardian inspires other units. Allied units gain + 25% damage. Passive Ability None
Knight of Dol Amorth Gondor Knight 180 2600 250 Strong against all normal units The Dol Amroth knights dash to the selected enemy, trampling down everything in their way. For the duration of the dash they deal triple damage and slow down only half as much. None


Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Rohan Peasant Builder 15 200 20 Strong at Melee None Rohan Farmhands, Rohan Swordsmen, Yeoman
Rohirrim Builder 60 750 50 Strong against Archers None Axe Rohirrim, Rohirrim Archer, Royal Guard
Herald of Infantry Builder 100 500 5 Support Summons three basic fighters when the wave starts Rohan Captain
Rohan Farmhands Rohan Peasant 10 200 20 Strong against Cavalry None Warden of Meduseld
Rohan Swordsmen Rohan Peasant 20 350 40 Strong against Melee None None
Yeoman Rohan Peasant 35 200 20 Strong at Range None None
Axe Rohirrim Rohirrim 40 800 80 Strong at Melee None None
Rohirrim Archer Rohirrim 50 420 45 Strong at Range None None
Royal Guard Rohirrim 200 2350 200 Strong against all normal units None None
Rohan Captain Herald of Infantry 70 500 5 Support Summons three soldiers of Rohan Marshal of the Ford, Marshal of the Eastfold, Marshal of the Westfold
Marshal of the Ford Rohan Captain 125 1000 200 Support Summon 4 Riders or Soldiers of Rohan None
Marshal of the Easfold Rohan Captain 150 1000 200 Support Summon 3 Riders of Rohan None
Marshal of the Westfold Rohan Captain 175 1000 200 Support Summon

3 Soldiers of the Westfold

Warden of Meduseld Rohan Farmhand 40 500 55 Strong against Cavalry None Rohan Spearman
Rohan Spearman Warden of Meduseld 50 500 86 Strong against Cavalry and at Range Fights with the Spear in Melee None


Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Guardian of Ered Luin Builder 50 500 60 Strong at Melee None Guardian of Erebor, Guardian of the Iron Hills, The Unburnt
Phalanx of Ered Luin Builder 50 500 60 Strong against Cavalry and Monster None Phalanx of Erebor, Phalanx of the Iron Hills
Dwarven Archer Builder 65 300 40 Strong at Range None Dwarven Crossbowmen, Axethrower
Guardian of Erebor Guardian of Ered Luin 60 500 90 Strong at melee Nearby enemies lose 20% armor Arkenguard, Axe Hurler
Guardian of the Iron Hills Guardian of Ered Luin 60 900 60 Strong at melee Attacked enemies deal 30% less damage for 3 seconds Ironbreaker, Ram Rider
The Unburnt Guardian of Ered Luin 120 1200 100 Strong vs all normal troops High attack speed, immune to poison and elemental damage Veteran of Khazad-Dum
Phalanx of Erebor Phaland of Ered Luin 60 500 55 Strong against Cavalry and Monster Nearby enemies lose 20% armor Arkenguard
Phalanx of the Iron Hills Phaland of Ered Luin 60 900 60 Strong against Cavalry and Monster Attacked enemies deal 30% less damage for 3 seconds Ironbreaker
Dwarven Crossbowmen Dwarven Archer 55 400 50 Strong at Range The crossbow shoots three bolts before it has to reload None
Axethrower Dwarven Archer 55 500 90 Strong at Range Deals as much damaged in range and melee as normal fighters None
Arkenguard Guardian of Erebor,

Phalanx of Erebor

120 1400 100 Strong against Heroes and Monster Increased damage against Monsters and Heroes. Causes Bleeding None
Ironbreaker Guardian of the Iron Hills,

Phalanx of the Iron Hills

120 1600 150 Very Defensive Taunts enemies. Can't be knocked back None
Ram Rider Guardian of Iron Hills 180 1000 100 Very Defensive Knock backs enemies. Extra speed at round start None
Axe Hurler Guardian of Erebor 180 1000 200 Are of Effect Jumps into enemies. None
Veteran of Khazad-Dum The Unburnt,

Arkenguard, Ironbreaker

200 2500 250 Strong vs all normal troops Veterans only appear one turn after having been bought. Veterans fight 5 seconds after death. None


Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Dunedain Swordsmen Builder 40 450 40 Strong at melee None Dunedain Ranger
Rivendell Swordsmen Builder 100/10 1100 100 Strong at melee Requires Wisdom. Swordsmen are immune to arrows and poison. Blademaster, Rivendell Spearmen, Guardians of Rivendell
Scholar Builder 120 300 0 Support Nearby elves regenerate 5 times as much. The scholar has gained a lot of Wisdom through the ages. He shares it with elven troops nearby. Councilor
Dunedain Ranger Dunedain Swordsmen 70 400 60 Strong at Range None None
Councilor Scholar 70 500 0 Support The councilor can purchase one of three upgrades every turn:
  • Tactical Studies (10): Cost of all units is reduced by 10, maximum 20, next turn.
  • Small Council (20): 3 random units appear in the next round.
  • Great Council (50): 3 random units and 2 random stronger units appear next round.
Blademaster Rivendell Swordsmen 20 950 40 Strong at Melee Requires Wisdom. Deal more AoE damage in a wider area. Blademaster, Rivendell Spearmen, Guardians of Rivendell
Rivendell Spearmen Rivendell Swordsmen 20 1050 80 Strong vs Cavalry and Monster Requires Wisdom. Spearmen ignore 50% of knockback. Blademaster, Rivendell Spearmen, Guardians of Rivendell
Guardians of Rivendell Rivendell Swordsmen 200 1700 200 Strong at melee Requires Wisdom. Guardians regenerate health much faster than other units even in combat. Elven Lord, Veteran of the Last Alliance
Elven Lord Guardians of Rivendell 250 2200 350 Strong at melee When the Elven Lord dies nearby units are bathed in its radiance, making them nigh invulnerable. None
Veteran of the Last Alliance Guardians of Rivendell 300 2500 400 Strong at melee Veterans do not disappear at the end of the round and keep their experience. If they die they will be lost forever. Veterans regenerate 25 health with every attack. None


Lorien can build Mirkwood troops but they must first purchase the Alliance of the Woodelves (100) upgrade from the Builder.

Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Lorien Warrior Builder 40 400 50 Strong at Melee None Galadhrim, Border Guard
Lorien Archer Builder 50 200 45 Strong at Range None Galadhrim, Guardian of Caras Galadhon
Minstrel Builder 80 400 0 Archer Support Nearby archers gain +50% attack speed Elven Healer, Animal Whisperer
Avari Builder 40 400 40 Strong at Melee Mirkwood Elves gain 4 times the attack and health when a female dwarf is nearby. The disruptive attacks of the Mirkwood Elves slow enemy units by 40% for 5 seconds Palace Guard, Protector of the Paths
Galadhrim Lorien Warrior,

Lorien Archer

45/35 600 Melee: 75

Ranged: 50

Strong at melee and range The Galadhrim automatically fights with his sword when in melee Armed Ghaladrim
Border Guard Lorien Warrior 60 1000 80 Strong vs Cavalry and Monster Can't be knocked back and deals 100% more damage to cavalry and monsters. None
Guardian of Caras Galadhon Lorien Archer 159 600 100 Strong vs Heroes Deal +100% magical damage against everything and +150% magical damage against heroes. None
Elven Healer Minstrel 110 400 0 Support The healer heals nearby units when they are out of combat None
Animal Whisperer Minstrel 50 500 0 Support Enemy cavlary is slowed by 50% Nature Sorcerer
Palace Guard Avari 130 800 85 Strong vs Cavalry and Monster The Palace Guards are the elite defenders of Mirkwood and can turn enemy momentum against them. Any time a Palace Guard is trampled, all other nearby Palace Guards gain +50% armor, damage, and slow any additional enemy trampling 50% faster for 30 seconds. None
Protector of the Paths Avari 20 300 45 Strong at Range The disruptive attacks of the Mirkwood Elves slow enemy units by 40% for 5 seconds Elkrider
Armed Ghaladrim Galadhrim 75 1000 Melee: 120

Ranged: 100

Strong at Melee and Range The Galadhrim automatically fights with his sword when in melee None
Nature Sorcerer Animal Whisperer 170 500 0 Support The Nature Mage paralyses enemy for 5 seconds and reduces their armor by 25%. Enemy heroes and monster will also be slowed down by 25% and lose 25% damage None
Elkrider Protector of the Paths 70 400 65 Strong vs Cavalry and Monster The disruptive attacks of the Mirkwood Elves slow enemy units by 40% for 5 seconds. The precise arrows of the Elk Riders throw enemy riders to the ground and cause 50% increased damage against cavalry and monster None

Isengard (Rhovanion)[]

While the can select Isengard as a playable faction for defend the shire in reality the player will be commanding the forced of Rhovanion. Also known as the Wilderlands. When the player controls 5 Laketown Captains, Standing Army can be upgraded to level 2. When the player controls 10 Dale Captains, Standing Army can be upgraded to level 3.

Units Location Cost Health Damage Description Ability Upgrades
Rhovanion Fighter Builder 25 350 35 Strong at melee None Laketown Swordsmen
Rhovanion Spearmen Builder 35 350 35 Strong vs Cavalry and Monsters None Laketown Spearmen
Rhovanion Axethrower Builder 45 150 20 Strong at range None Laketown Bowmen
Beorning Builder 110 800 65 Strong at Melee AoE Attack Beorning Beekepper,

Beorning Berserker

Druedain Warrior Builder 80 300 25 Strong at Range, Defensive Transform to Stone when below 40% health Druedain Wise
Rhovanion Shieldbearer Rhovanion Fighter 90 500 50 Strong at defense Lifesteal, makes Rhovanion basic units immun against ranged attacks None
Laketown Swordsmen Rhovanion Fighter 20 550 55 Strong at Melee At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location) Dale Swordsmen
Laketown Spearmen Rhovanion Spearmen 20 550 50 Strong vs Cavalry and Monsters At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location) Dale Spearmen
Laketown Bowmen Rhovanion Axethrower 20 250 30 Strong at Range At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location) Dale Archer
Laketown Captain Laketown Swordsmen 60 800 55 Strong at Melee Reduce the cost of Laketown upgrades by 5 Dale Captain
Dale Swordsmen Laketown Swordsmen 40 750 75 Strong at Melee At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location). This unit deals +20% damage against infantry. Dale General
Dale Spearmen Laketown 40 750 65 Strong vs Cavalry and Monsters At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location). This unit deals +20% damage against monster and cavalry. None
Dale Archer Laketown 40 350 40 Strong at Range At the end of each round the unit will downgrade to the previous unit (Location). This unit deals +20% damage against monster and heroes. None
Dale Captain Dale Swordsmen, Laketown Captain 60 1100 75 Strong at Melee Reduce the cost of Dale upgrades by 4. None
Beorning Beekepper Beorning 130 800 60 Strong at melee AoE attack. The Beekeeper is followed by hordes of bees which deal damage to nearby enemies. None
Beorning Berserker Beorning 180 1500 80 Strong at melee AoE attack. If the Berserker falls below 50% health, he turns into a bear. As a bear he deals 3.5 as much damage and has twice as much armor. None
Druedain Wise Druedain Warrior 110 500 25 Strong at Range, Defensive Poison Damage over Time, transform to stone when under 40% health, become invulnerable when under 20% None


  • Wave 1 - 14 Orc Warriors
  • Wave 2 - 13 Orc Pikemen
  • Wave 3 - 5 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 3 Orc Archers
  • Wave 4 - 6 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 6 Orc Archers
  • Wave 5 - 4 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 2 Orc Archers, 1 Orc Overseer
  • Wave 6 - 13 Halberdiers of Cirith Ungol
  • Wave 7 - 6 Black Uruks
  • Wave 8 - 2 Black Uruks, 4 Black Uruk Archers
  • Wave 9 - 11 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 7 Orc Archers, 2 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 10 - 1 Gothmog
  • Wave 11 - 8 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 12 - 24 Morgul Orc Warriors
  • Wave 13 - 18 Dol Guldur Orc Warriors
  • Wave 14 - 12 Dol Guldur Orc Warriors, 11 Dol Guldur Orc Archers
  • Wave 15 - 2 Drummer Trolls
  • Wave 16 - 8 Dol Guldur Orc Warriors, 12 Dol Guldur Orc Spearmen, 13 Dol Guldur Orc Archers
  • Wave 17 - 22 Spiderlings
  • Wave 18 - 10 Morgul Riders
  • Wave 19 - 5 Castellans
  • Wave 20 - 3 Nazgul
  • Wave 21 - 16 Easterling Pikemens
  • Wave 22 - 12 Rhun Riders
  • Wave 23 - 16 Hasharin
  • Wave 24 - 10 Haradrim Archers, 10 Haradrim Spearthrowers, 10 Haradrim Swordsmen
  • Wave 25 - 5 Haradrim Archers, 3 Haradrim Spearthrowers, 5 Haradrim Swordsmen, 1 Mumakil
  • Wave 26 - 6 Morgul Shadows
  • Wave 27 - 25 Orc Warriors, 10 Orc Archers, 10 Orc Pikemen, 1 Drummer Troll, 3 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 28 - 2 Attack Trolls
  • Wave 29 - 10 Corsairs of Umbar with a surprise
  • Wave 30 - Fellbeast
  • Wave 31 - 160 Orc Warriors, 50 Orc Pikemen, 20 Orc Archers, 10 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 32 - 15 Accursed Orc Warriors
  • Wave 33 - 9 Wights, 1 Karsh
  • Wave 34 - 1 Shelob, 4 Broodmother
  • Wave 35 - 1 Mollok, 2 Attack Trolls
  • Wave 36 - 1 Khamul, 5 Rhun Riders, 5 Black Easterlings
  • Wave 37 - 1 Witch King, 48 Orc Warriors, 15 Orc Pikemen, 6 Orc Archers, 3 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 38 - 1 Grond, 16 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 2 Orc Archers, 1 Orc Overseer
  • Wave 39 - 1 Gorthaur, 16 Orc Warriors, 5 Orc Pikemen, 2 Orc Archers, 1 Orc Overseer, 1 Drummer Troll
  • Wave 40 - 1 Ring Hero Sauron, 48 Orc Warriors, 15 Orc Pikemen, 6 Orc Archers, 3 Orc Overseers
  • Wave 41 - 1 Balrog
  • Wave 42 - Endless Mode


The spellbook does not function the same was as the regular spellbook. You begin with all the powers unlocked. Apart from Endless Pain, powers can be used in either of the two phases: Build Phase or Battle Phase. During the build phase you can send your enemies additional troops to fight against, all the units you send will appear during and only during the next wave. In return you also gain a bonus passive income for every unit you send. The powers cost souls which are generated over time, you can use the Endless Pain to accelerate the pace at which souls are generated for the price of a 100 resource.

Unit Sent Cost in Souls Description Extra income
Orc Warrior 1 Weak Orc 1
Orc Pikemen 2 Strong vs Cavalry 2
Halberdier of Cirith Ungol 5 Strong vs Cavalry 5
Morgul Orc Warrior 6 Strong at Melee 6
Dol Guldur Orc Warrior 7 Strong vs all normal units 6
Black Uruk-Hai 8 Strong at Melee 8
Mini Spider 10 Strong vs Cavalry 9
Orc Overseer 12 Strong vs Single Enemies 10
Morgul Rider 15 Strong vs Infantry 12
Drummer Troll 18 Knockback and Leadership 14
Castellan 20 Strong vs all normal units 15
Attack Troll 25 Strong vs all normal units 18
Black Rider 30 Fear, Negation of Leaderships 20
Winged Shadow 50 Flying unit 0

There are also powers you can use during the battle phase. Does help you to beat the wave.

Power Cost in Souls Description Extra income
Power of Halflings 2 Call down a meteor upon the target area. The meteor takes between 3 and 6 seconds to come down so make sure that the enemies will be there for a while. Killing enemies with this power will not grant any money. 0
Summon Hobbit Allies 5 Summon one permanent hobbit fighter 1
Detachment from the Shire 10 Summon one permanent hobbit archer 2