Units and buildings that appear in standard skirmish (and in this wiki) are only a fraction of the objects implemented in Edain. Many objects in the mod files are unused or hidden, these units and buildings are either from previous versions of the mod or used in special maps. This page is an attempt at keeping a list of those hidden objects to make it easier for mappers and modders to use them in their maps and submods.
This list may become outdated over time, feel free to leave a comments or edit it yourself if you notice new or deleted objects. This page also only usually lists distinct objects, this means that a horde will not have both the horde and individual units listed, only the top level object, the horde in that case, will be listed. This page also only lists units deemed "interesting" from a modding and mapping perspective many more units remain in the files but have less interest. Still useful for models. It is recommended to mess around with these units in worldbuilder to get a better idea of what they do.
This page does not include purposefully hidden units such as eastereggs. Some of the items on these page are also not always completely functional, it might be up to mapper/modders to fix them if they plan to use them. Feel free to add more units you find in the files here if you believe they could be of interest to people.
AngmarBlutKelch - Blood Calyx: A blood chalice that provides a buff, healing and unit regeneration.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > STRUCTURE
AngmarDimensionstor - Udun Gate: A dimensional gateway that spawns wights, Udun Guards and Fell beasts before disappearing.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > STRUCTURE
AngmarOpferaltar - Sacrifice Altar: A forsaken altar upon which the sorcerers of Angmar performed sacrifices. It has two abilities that can be used on allied dark elf troops to summon fallen angels and daemons.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > STRUCTURE
AngmarStatue - Heroic Statue: A simple statue of the Witch-king that provides a buff to nearby troops.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > STRUCTURE
DämonenFestung - Fortress of the Old World: A towering spire with a dark aura that fires arrows at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > STRUCTURE
DunlandTower - Scout Tower of Dunland: A simple wooden watchtower defended by three wildmen Axethrowers.
- Worldbuilder path: Angband> STRUCTURE
ForbiddenPoolForGoodIthilien - Forbidden Pool: The forbidden pool from BFME1 with the same ability to recruit gondor troops.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > STRUCTURES
ThalGasthof - Inn: A dale house that fires arrows at nearby enemies, can be garisonned and heals units garisonned in it..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarven > STRUCTURE
ThalKaserne - Thal Inn: A Dale barracks from which you can recruit Dale Pikemen, Dale Bowmen and research Fire Arrows.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarven > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Archery - Dale Archery Range: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Barracks - Dale Barracks: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Casern - Dale Casern: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Castle - Dale Castle: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Citadel - Dale Citadel: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Forge - Dale Forge: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Fortress - Dale Fortress: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Market - Dale Market: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Toymarket - Dale Toymarket: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Trumpet - Dale Trumpet: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Well - Dale Well: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
Db_Dale_Workshop - Dale Workshop: An inert structure part of the Dale prop set, more such Dale prop exist than listed here..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarvenDurinStatue - Heroic Statue: A heroic statue of Durin that provides a buff to nearby allies.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
ThalWell - Dale Well: An old dale well that heals and regenerates nearby units.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
ThalHandelsposten - Dale Barracks: An old dale barracks that can recruit hunters from the frontier posts and research fire arrows..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarvenFortress - Dwarven Fortress: The Dwarven fortress from 3.8.1.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarvenStatue_Gimli - Heroic Statue: An alternate dwarven statue that buffs nearby units.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarvenStatue - Heroic Statue: An alternate dwarven statue that buffs nearby units.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
BalinsTomb - Balin's Tomb: The tomb of Balin providing a buff to nearby allies.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarfBarracks_Dain - Dain's Assembly Barracks: The old Ring Hero Dain's summoned barracks, can be used to recruit units from all three dwarven realms.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
BFME1DwarfMausoleum - Durin's Mausoleum: A mausoleum that used to used to awaken Durin by bringing the ring, can also cast Durin's day..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarvenArcheryRange - Archery Range: A "dwarven" archery range from which you can recruit Dale Pikemen and Dale Swordsmen.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
DwarfBarracks - Halls of Warriors: A dwarven barracks that can recruit dwarves from all three realms.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > STRUCTURE
ElrondHaus - Sant Imladris: A little resting place from which you can recruit heroes.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
CelebornWhiteTree - White Tree: A temporary structure that buffs nearby troops.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
ElvenBarracks - Elven Barracks: An elven barracks that currently does not recruit anything.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
YavannasBeistand - Yavanna's Aid: A lorien free standing citadel that can extinguish fires, summon buildings plots, recruit heroes and recruit builders.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
LothlorienOuterFlet - Battle Tower: A lorien battle tower that can be upgraded with Silverthorn Arrows and can cast an arrow barrage.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
MirkwoodBarracks - Mirkwood Archery: A 3.8.1 mirkwood barracks from which can be recruited old mirkwood units.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
LothlorienFarm - Lorien Farm: A farm that produces resources.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
LothlorienStatue - Heroic Statue: A statue that buffs nearby units and reduces the cost of infantry.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
LothlorienMirror - Galadriel's Mirror: Galadriel's Mirror provides healing for nearby allies and reduces infantry costs.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > STRUCTURE
RhunMühle - Rhun Mill: A building that generates resources and reduces the cost of men of the east units.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
EasterlingBattleTower - Sentry Tower: A battle tower that shoots at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
MordorMumakilPen - Mumakil Paint: A pen that can be used to recruit Mumakil and research the War Paint upgrade.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
EvilMenEasterlingBarracks - Rhun Barracks: Barracks that can be used to train Rhun Halberdiers, Rhun Axemen and Riders of Rhun.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
EvilmenFarm - Harad Farm: A farm that generates resources based on available terrain.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
HaradTower - Haradrim Scout Tower: A scout tower that can be garrisoned with units.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
EvilmenOase - Oasis: An oasis that heals nearby units and regenerates battalions.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
EvilmenStall - Easterling Stable: A stable that can recruit Haradrim Lancers and Riders of Rhun.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
HaradStatue - Harad Totem: A mumakil skull totem that buffs nearby troops.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
MordorHaradrimPalace - Haradrim Palace: The haradrim palace can recruit Haradrim Javelineers, Haradrim Archers and Haradrim Lancers.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
MordorTavern - Tavern: The mordor Tavern can recruit corsairs of Umbar.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > STRUCTURE
DunedainTurm - Watchtower: A dunedain watchtower garisonned with Dunedain that fire at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
DunedainWell - Infirmary: A dunedain tent that heals and regenerates nearby units.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
DunedainArmory - Arsenal: A dunedain tent that reduces the cost of Dunedain and produces resources.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
DunedainBarracks - Encampment: A group of Dunedain tents from which you can recruit Dunedain Swordsmen, Dunedain Archers and Dunedain Pikemen.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
DunedainTent - Dunedain Tents: A group of Dunedain tents from which you can recruit Dunedain Swordsmen and Dunedain Archers.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
DunedainCampKeep - Dunedain outpost: The center point of the dunedain outpost from which you can revive heroes.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
ImladrisLichaltar - Circle of the Wise: An altar from which you can train loremasters.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
ElvenStatue - Heroic Statue: An elven statues that provides buffs to nearby allies.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > STRUCTURE
IthilienZelt - Ranger Tents: A group of ranger tents from which you can recruit Ithilien Swords, Ithilien Rangers, Ithilien Pikemen and research upgrades.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > STRUCTURE
MordorTolinGauroth - Tol-in-Gauroth: The terrible fortress of Sauron, attacking nearby units with lightning and capable of unleashing bats and werewolves.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
MinasMorgulKatakomben - Catacombs: A 3.8.1 Minas Morgul Barracks from which you can recruit heroes and Minas Morgul Knights.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
CirithUngolBarracks_Extern - A 3.8.1. Cirith Ungol Barracks from which you can recruit Black Uruks and Orc Halberdiers: .
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
MordorDolGuldurBarracks - A 3.8.1 Dol Guldur Barracks from which you can recruit Castellans and Spiders: .
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
MordorCirithTower - Watch Tower of Cirith Ungol: A strong watchtower that fires at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
MordorStatue - Mordor Statue: A grand statue of Sauron, that buffs nearby troops.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > STRUCTURE
WildTreasureTrove - Gundabad Forges: A dragon shaped trove from which you can research upgrades.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > STRUCTURE
WildSentryTower - Sentry Tower: A sentry tower that fires at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > STRUCTURE
WildSpiderPit - Spider Pit: A spider pit from which you can recruit spiderlings and spider riders.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > STRUCTURE
RohanCitadel - Rohan Fortress: The 3.8.1 Rohan citadel.
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > STRUCTURE
IsenKasern - Ford of Isen Kasern: A barracks that doesn't seem to recruit anything at the moment..
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > STRUCTURE
RohanKaserne - : The old 3.8.1 Rohan barracks that can recruit Rohan Captains, Heralds and Battering Rams.
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > STRUCTURE
RohanWorkshop - Workshop: An alternate Rohan workshop for recruits rams and onagers.
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > STRUCTURE
RohanNaturesanktum - Nature Sanctum: A giant tree that can summon bees, bears, eagles and ravens. It can also render a nearby hero invulnerable..
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > STRUCTURE
AngmarDaemon - Demon: A black beast envolled in shimmering shadows.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarGolem - Steel Golem: A steel golem that acts like a troll.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarHauptmann - Witch King's Chosen One: An elite swordsmen that can swear allegiance to heroes of Angmar to obtain additional abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarMorchant - Morchant: A dark elf hero with a revenge.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarNachtmahrHorde - Nightmares: A horde of dark steeds cloaked in shadows.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarNazgulHorde - Nazgul: A horde of three Nazgul with some abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarThogar - Thogar Stoneheart: A dwarven hero with a cold hatred for dwarves.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarSpellBreaker - Spell Breaker: A visitor from another universe that strikes at foes with a ranged explosive attack.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
AngmarUdunWätcher - Udun Guard: A black beast envolled in shimmering shadows.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelbenHauptmann - Dark-Elf Captain: A single dark elf with a powerful aura.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelbenPikeHorde - Dark Elven Pikeguards: A battalion of dark elves armed with poisoned spears.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelfenArchangel - Archangel: A terrifying warrior with... laser swords on her back? She can call down lightning so that's neat.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelfAsassinHorde - Dark Elven assassin: A battalion of dark elves armed with poisoned blades that can camouflage.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelfMagierHorde - Shade Bender: A battalion of dark elf sorcerers that attacks from far away with green lightning.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
DunkelelfenreiterHorde - Knights of the Dark Elf: A mounted battalion of dark elves armed with poisoned blades.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelfenHorde - Archers of the Dark Elf: A battalion of dark elves armed with bows and poisoned arrows.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelfenHorde2 - Swordfighters of the Dark Elf: A battalion of dark elves armed with swords that inflict poisoned attacks.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
DunkelelbOpferbringer - Soul Slave: A bound slave that can summon Dark Towers, Sacrifice Altars and Blood Calyxes.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
Skellekrieger - Orc Warrior: An "orc warrior" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding a sword.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
Skellekrieger2 - Orc Warrior: An "orc warrior" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding a sword.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
Skellekrieger3 - Orc Warrior: An "orc warrior" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding a sword.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
Skellekrieger4 - Orc Warrior: An "orc warrior" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding an axe.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
SkellettArcher - Orc Archer: An "orc archer" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding a bow.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
SkellettSpearmen - Orc Spearman: An "orc spearman" without flesh (it's a skeleton) and wielding a spear.
- Worldbuilder path: Angmar > UNIT
ArnorArcherHorde_Cardolan - Arnor Archers: A standard battalion of arnor archers but in the colors of Cardolan (green).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorArcherHorde_Rhudaur - Arnor Archers: A standard battalion of arnor archers but in the colors of Rhudaur (blue).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorFighterHorde_Cardolan - Arnor Soldiers: A standard battalion of arnor soldiers but in the colors of Cardolan (green).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorFighterHorde_Rhudaur - Arnor Soldiers: A standard battalion of arnor soldiers but in the colors of Rhudaur (blue).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorHeuterHorde_Cardolan - Arnor Court Guards: A standard battalion of arnor court guards but in the colors of Cardolan (green).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorHeuterHorde_Rhudaur - Arnor Court Guards: A standard battalion of arnor court guardsbut in the colors of Rhudaur (blue).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorKnightHorde_Cardolan - Arnor Knights: A standard battalion of arnor knights but in the colors of Cardolan (green).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorKnightHorde_Rhudaur - Arnor Knights: A standard battalion of arnor knights but in the colors of Rhudaur (blue).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorTrebuchet_Cardolan - Arnor Trebuchet: A standard arnor trebuchet but in the colors of Cardolan (green).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorTrebuchet_Rhudaur - Arnor Trebuchet: A standard arnor trebuchet but in the colors of Rhudaur (blue).
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
LindonHeavenArcherHorde - Archers of the Grey Havens: Archers from the Grey Havens come to the aid of Arnor.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
LindonHeavenLancerHorde - Pikemen of the Grey Havens: Pikemen from the Grey Havens come to the aid of Arnor.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
LindonHeavenWarriorHorde - Soldiers of the Grey Havens: Soldier from the Grey Havens come to the aid of Arnor.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorArgeleb - Argeleb: A proud king of Arnor, a simple hero with two abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorArvedui - Arvedui: A proud king of Arnor, a hero with four abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
ArnorArveleg - Arveleg: A proud king of Arnor, a hero with two abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Arnor > UNIT
DwarvenGirion - Girion: The king of Dale, a simple sword and shield hero with an aura and an experience buff ability.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarven > UNIT
ThalEliteHorde - Hunter from the frontier posts: Elite dale archers that can be equipped with fire arrows and banners.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarven > UNIT
WildSklavenHorde - Slaves: A horde of slaved man, dwarves and hobbits that can garrison a tunnel to increase its resource output.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenRunenmeisterHorde - Rune Master: A horde of "rune masters" that can upgrade buildings with hordes.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenNar - Nar: A dwarven hero with a full set of abilities that really likes axes..
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenNaini - Nain: A dwarven hero with a full set of abilities around supporting units and destroying buildings.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenDurinBodyguardsHorde - Durin's Chosen: Elite chosen of Durin that accompany him everywhere.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenAxtschwingerHorde - Axe Swingers: A horde of dwarves expert at swinging axes into their enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenGrorc - Grorc: A dwarven hero with a full set of abilities with a focus on crowd control.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenThror - Thror: The king of Durin's dwarves is a dwarven hero with a full set of abilities focused on AoE damage.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenThrain - Thrain II.: The son of Thror, a hero with a full set of abilities on support and AoE damage.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenGardeHorde - Guard of the Forefathers: A heroic hordes of Dwarves good at fighting everything.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenTarkun - Tarkun: Durin VII.'s advisor, a scout of hero with a full set of abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenSiegeLadder - Dwarven Siege Ladder: A siege ladder manned by dwarves.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenEreborGuardianHorde - Guardians of Erebor: Dwarven Guardians with the models of the 3.8.1 dwarves.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenDurin - Durin: The old Durin, a powerful hero with a focus on AoE damage.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenRunenschmied - Rune Black Smith: A rune smith that can place runes similar to the spellbook power on buildings.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenMinerModHorde - Miners: A horde of dwarven miners.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
DwarvenZerkerHorde - Dwarven Zealots: A heroic dwarven unit from the base game.
- Worldbuilder path: Dwarves > UNIT
LothlorienGrenzwätcherHorde - Lorien Warriors: A horde of elite border guards that can eat Lembas bread to regenerate and have an ability to become trample resistant.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienTierflusterer - Animal Whisperer: A support unit that can passively slow nearby cavalry units.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienTierflusterer_NachRing - Animal Whisperer: A support unit that can passively slow nearby evil creatures.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienBowRiderHorde - Mounted Archers: A battalion of mounted lorien archers.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienBerserkerHorde - Gil-Galad's Guards: A heroic battalion of elves with spear and heavy shields.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienReiterHorde - Riders of the Noldor: A mounted battalion of border guards.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienHeiler - Healer: A support unit that passively heals nearby allies.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
LothlorienHeiler_NachRing - Healer: A support unit corrupted by the influence of the Dark Queen, passively deals damage to enemy around it.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
GasthausGoldebeere - Goldberry: Tom Bombadil's companion as a hero with a few abilities, including summoning Tom.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
HuldigtdemChief - Seraphim: A powerful warrior with... blue laser swords on its back? Can call down lightning and powerful light attacks.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
DorwinionWinzer - Wine Dresser: A support unit that can summon building plots and level up buildings.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
DorwinionNatureMagier - Nature sorcerer: A dorwinion mage that paralyzes units it attacks and can summon roots to disable buildings.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
BrutalGelehrter - Scholar: A 3.8.1 unit that can unlock the special abilities of certain Imladris units.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
BruchtalSchwertmeisterAlone - Blade Master of Rivendell: A powerful single warrior that can switch stances to deal different types of damage.
- Worldbuilder path: Elves > UNIT
EvilbeastsScatha - Scatha: The terrible dragon Scatha as a wingless drake with abilities suiting his natural greed..
- Worldbuilder path: EvilBeasts > UNIT
EvilmenSaleme - Salem: An assassin hero with a full set of tricky abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > UNIT
HaradSuladan - Suladan: The cobra prince is a hero with a full set of evil men themed abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Evilmen > UNIT
EvilMenWagenfahrer - Easterling Chariot: A small chariot with a single easterling archer that fires different types of arrow at enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: EvilMen > UNIT
RohanHobbitFriendsHorde - Hobbits: Weak warriors that can switch between rock throwing and brooms.
- Worldbuilder path: Good > UNIT
BruchtalScwertmeisterHorde - Imladris Watchers: An heroic battalion of Imladris swordmasters.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > UNIT
GasthausAlatar - Alatar the Blue: A wizard hero with a full set of abilities that can control the winds.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > UNIT
GasthausPalando - Palando the Blue: A wizard hero with a full set of abilities that can control the earth.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > UNIT
ImladrisElbenfuerst - Elven Lord: A heroic single unit that deals magical damage and can stun nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Imladris > UNIT
DunlandSchlächterHorde - : .
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardWargBowHorde - Brutes: A horde of heavy hitting infantry from Dunland with abilities to make them even stronger.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardMauhur - Mauhur: A hero with a full set of abilities focused on supporting Uruk Crossbowmen.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardBerserkerHorde - Uruk Deathbringers: A batallion of heavily armored berserkers hellbent on destruction.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardDeserteureHorde - Deserters: A mix match battalion of Gondor, Rohan and Dwarven units that now serve isengard.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardUrukHauptmann1 - Uruk Captain: An uruk captain with a strong blademaster ability and a passive aura buffing all uruks.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardUrukHauptmann2 - Uruk Captain: An uruk captain with a terror inflicting ability and a passive aura buffing all uruks.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
IsengardUrukHauptmann3 - Uruk Captain: An uruk captain with a strong active buff for uruk crossbownmen and scouts and a passive aura buffing all uruks.
- Worldbuilder path: Isengard > UNIT
EvilmenRhunriderHorde - Riders of Rhun: A battalion of mounted soldiers of Rhun.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorHaradrimArcherHorde - Haradrim Archers: A battalion of ranged soldiers of Harad.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenRhunArcherHorde - Rhun Archers: A battalion of ranged soldiers of Rhun.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHasharinHordeNew - Salem's Hasharin of Harad: Deadly assassins that can stealth.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
DruedainKriegerHorde - Druedain Archers: Battalion of ranges Woses that have poisoned arrows and can enter a meditative stat to heal.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorBlackOrcHorde - Black Orc Warriors: A group of elite black orc warriors.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHaradSwordHorde - Haradrim Swordsmen: A large battalion of harad swordsmen.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorHaradrimRiderHorde - Haradrim Lancers: A group of mounted harad soldiers.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorOlogHai - Olog Hai: An elite troll, skilled in combat.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
OrkstadtArcherHorde - Goblin-town Archers: A battalion of ranged goblin town fighters.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHäuptlingHarad - Chieftain: A single, heavy hitting unit of Harad.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHäuptlingHarad2 - Chieftain: A single, heavy hitting unit of Harad.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHäuptlingKhand - Chieftain: A single, heavy hitting unit of Khand.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenHäuptlingRhun - Chieftain: A single, heavy hitting unit of Rhun.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
EvilmenKhandRiderHorde - Rides from Khand: A battalion of mounted ranged soldiers of Khand.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorCorsairsOfUmbarHorde - Corsairs of Umbar: A battalion of Corsair from Umbars.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorHaradrimLancerModHorde - Haradrim Javelineers: A battalion of javalineer throwing soldiers of Harad.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
MordorMorgulschattenHorde - Morgul Shadows: A battalion of bound morgul shadows that can "steal" the heart of Men, Elves and Dwarves to unlock certain abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Mordor > UNIT
WildSpiderMiniHorde - Spiderling: A horde of very tiny spiderlings.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildMarauderHorde - Half-Troll Marauders: A battalion of half troll marauders.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
MountainGiantSkelett - Restless Giant: A skeletal mountain giant.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildHauptmannork - Captain of the Great Goblin: A single goblin that has a chance to summon more goblins with every attack.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildHauptmannorkWarg - Captain of the Great Goblin: A single mounted goblin that has a chance to summon more goblins riders with every attack.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildMiniScorpion - Scorpion: A single small scorpion.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildScorpion - Scorpion: A regular sized scorpion.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildPoisonDrake - Swamp Drake: A drake that spews poison everywhere.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
ColdDrake - Ice-drake: A drake made from ice that spews living frost.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
AngmarRogash_New - Rogash: An alternative model for Rogash.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
Drogoth - Drogoth: Base game drogoth.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildStoneGiantSmall - Stone-giant: A small giant made of literal stone that can throw boulders.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildStoneGiant - Stone-giant: A large giant made of literal stone that can throw boulders.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
GoblinMiniHorde - Goblin Warriors: A small horde of goblins.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
GoblinRiderHorde - Warg Riders of Moria: A horde of goblins mounted on wargs.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildPlünderOrkHorde - Orc raiders: A battalion of raiding goblins that steal resource with every hit.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
GoblinSpiderRiderHorde - Goblin Spider Rider: A battalion of goblins mounted on spiders.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildBabyDrakeHorde - Fire Drake Brood: A horde of fire drakes.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
WildMiniScorpionHorde - Scorpions: A horde of small scorpions with poisoned attacked.
- Worldbuilder path: Wild > UNIT
GasthaurGhanBuriGhan - Ghan-buri-Ghan: The leader of the Druedain, Ghan-buri-ghan is a ranged hero that fights with poisoned arrows..
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > UNIT
RohanHammerhand - Helm Hammerhand: The legendary Rohan king is a heavy melee hero with some abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > UNIT
RohanRadagast - Radagast the Brown: Radagast the Brown is the famous wizard, a hero with a full set of nature themed abilities and a ring form..
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > UNIT
LothlorienHaldir_Rohan - Haldir: A version of Haldir with slightly different abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Rohan > UNIT
RohanFighterHorde - Yeomen Swordsmen: A rohan swordsmen unit that is stronger than peasants.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
RohanAxeFighterHorde - Yeomen Axe Fighter: A rohan axe unit that is stronger than peasants.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
RohanWätcherMeduseldsHorde - Yeomen Spearmen: A rohan spearmen unit that is stronger than peasants.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
RohanStonethrower - Rohan Stonethrower: A lonely unit with no battalion that throws rocks at nearby enemies.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
MinasTirithGuard - Minas Tirith Guard: A guard of minas tirith.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
GondorWätcherBrunnenHorde - Fountain Court Guards: Fountain Court Guards without their shield.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
GondorDamrod - Damrod: A simple hero with a few sniping abilities.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
GondorWätcherderKompanieHorde - Guardians of the White Company: A horde of the elite from the White Company that can switch weapons.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
LehenLeibwacheHorde - Guardians of Dol Amroth: A battalion of soldier from Dol Amroth.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
IthilienSpeerträgerHorde - Spearmen of Ithilien: A battalion of Ithilien Rangers equipped with spears.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT
IthilienSchwertkämpferHorde - Ithilien Swordsmen: A battalion of Ithilien Rangers equipped with Swords.
- Worldbuilder path: Men > UNIT