Horde maps are an new feature of 4.5. Presenting a new challenge to players and finally allowing them to play epic defenses against the AI on the fortress maps. Horde maps are classed as mission maps but do not have the Mission: prefix, instead, they have their own prefix: Horde:.
All horde maps share a set of base features:
- You must defend the fortress from a seemingly unending horde of enemies using any faction
- Each second you survive allow you to accumulate points, the more ground you hold the more point you gain
- There are many different combinations of waves that can attack the fortress, giving a lot of replay value and making it harder to work out a single strategy per map.
- You gain reinforcements if you hold out long enough depending on the faction you play.
Minas Tirith[]
A two player horde map where you can defend the White City of Gondor from a horde of enemies, mustering it's full might to push back the enemies.
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 8 minutes
- Once you have survived 15 minutes
- Once you have survived 23 minutes and 20 seconds
- As long as the front gate to the city stands
- As long as both of the doors to the second level stand
- As long as you and your allies have at least 80 units on the wall or if the enemy has less than a 100 troops on the wall
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode once the map ends at 28 minutes and 20 seconds of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map.
Minas Morgul[]
A two-player map where you can defend the ancient and corrupted city previously known as the Tower of the Moon but that now goes by the much darker name, Minas Morgul which means Tower of Sorcery in Sindarin. And now Gondor has come to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, they will wrest the control of the city from whoever occupies it, oust the invaders and cleanse the land until the day where the fortress can once again be called Minas Ithil
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 8 minutes
- Once you have survived 15 minutes
- Once you have survived 24 minutes and 10 seconds
- As long as not a single enemy is within the city
- As long as the front gate to the city stands
- As long as both of the doors to the second level stand
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode once the map ends at 30 minutes of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map.
Stonewain Valley[]
Stonewain Valley was a long narrow straight valley in the eastern White Mountains, deep within the Drúadan Forest. Its eastern end opened just to the north-west of the Rammas Echor that encircled Minas Tirith.
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 8 minutes
- Once you have survived 15 minutes
- Once you have survived 24 minutes and 10 seconds
- As long as your base is alive
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode once the map ends at 30 minutes of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map.
Aldburg was one of the oldest towns in Rohan and the first capital of the realm. On this map you can only play as Rohan, if you pick any other faction you will be attacked by your very own troops.
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 10 minutes
- Once you have survived 13 minutes and 20 seconds
- Once you have survived 16 minutes and 40 seconds
- As long as not a single enemy is within the city
- As long as the northern gate stands
- As long as the southern gate stands
- As long as the eastern gate stands
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode once the map ends at 20 minutes of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map.
Edoras was the capital of Rohan that held the Golden Hall of Meduseld.
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 5 minutes
- Once you have survived 15 minutes
- Once you have survived 20 minutes
- As long as not a single enemy is within the city
- As long as the front gate stands
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode once the map ends at 28 minutes and 10 seconds of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map.
Helm's Deep[]
A two player horde map where you hold the great fortress of Hornburg.
Point Breakdown[]
By default you get one point per second on Normal mode and two points per second on Hard mode (enable Hard mode by enabling Ring Hero). In addition, you get one or two additional points (based on difficulty) per second for each of the following:
- Once you have survived 5 minutes
- Once you have survived 15 minutes
- Once you have survived 20 minutes
You also get two or four additional points per second (based on difficulty) as long as the following conditions are met:
- The left wall stands and you control it
- The front gate stands
- The enemy doesn't have any units in the keep
Finally, you will begin to lose one point per second once the map ends at 30 minutes of the game and for as long as there are enemies present on the map. Finally, you will get 1000 points (2000 on Hard difficulty) for surviving and wiping out every enemy unit.