- "Rangers of Ithilien... were descended from folk who lived in Ithilien at one time, before it was overrun. From such men the Lord Denethor chose his forayers...."
- —The Two Towers
The Ithilien Rangers are Gondor's elite archers, they stayed behind hiding in the woods and harassing Mordor's forces. Their bow were simple but powerful and they were dressed in green cloaks which kept them hidden. They are recruited at the Ranger Tents from which they emerge in battalions of 10 units. With the 4.5.3 update, Rangers are back at the archery range as well, making them more accessible.
Unexpected Salvo - The Rangers reveal themselves to the enemy to fire a salvo of arrows aiming for the enemy's weak spots, dealing triple their normal damage and revealing hit enemies for 15 seconds.
The Rangers have access to the following upgrades:
Banner Carrier - This upgrade can only be given to a level 1 battalion and will promote it to level 2. At level 2 the battalion can regenerate units when out of combat. Cost: 200.
Fire Arrows - This upgrades adds a bonus FIRE damage to the unit. Causing it to deal increased damage to everything and even more to buildings. Cost: 400
Composite Bows - Equips the battalion with composite bows. This lowers the recharge time of Unexpected Salvo by 33% and doubles the damage. Cost: 300
The Ithilien Rangers are Gondor's elite archers. They are in a smaller battalion size than the Gondor Archers but their damage is vastly superior. They go hand in hand in the late game with the Tower Guards but the player must be careful, since they are faster then them, not to let them get in front. They are stealthed near trees and are pretty much all a player will need to gain map control . However they lack a heavy armor upgrade so are especially weak to cavalry and flank attack, it is better to keep them close pikemen of any type. Unexpected Salvo should be used to kill stronger units such as monsters, heroes and heroic units. The Composite Bows upgrade can be useful if the enemy has a lot of these types of units so that the Rangers can deal with them quickly. If used properly they can become your main damage dealers in the late game as they can decimate pretty much anything but the strongest from out of the shadows or behind that big, tanky wall of Tower Guards.