Edain Mod Wiki

"So they passed into the northern marshes of that land that Men onced called Ithilien, a fair country of climbing woods and swift-falling streams. The night became fine under star and round moon, and it seemed to the hobbits that the fragrance of the air grew as they went forward; and from the blowing and muttering of Gollum it seemed that he noticed it too, and did not relish it. ... Ithilien, the garden of Gondor now desolate kept still a dishevelled dryad loveliness."
The Two Towers

Northern Ithilien is located on the easternmost territory of Gondor. It was the site of frequent clashes between the evil men of the south and the men of Gondor. It was also used regularly by Faramir and his Rangers as a base of operations to harry Haradrim and Orcs.


Castle Plot
Castle Plot - Castles are the greatest fortifications of each faction. For the Good factions they are often impregnable fortresses, surrounded by high walls with defensive plots. With a high number of plots, it can host many buildings, guaranteeing a strong economy when filled out. For Evil Factions, they are entrenched forward bases, meant as a foothold into the lands of the Free People from which to spread terror, so no strong walls for them, but they have instead many defensive plots that keep watch on the land. Castle plots cost 5000 to build.
Outpost Plot
Outpost Plot - Outposts only contain three building plots (unless you build the faction-specific outpost or the dwarven outpost which has 3 defensive plots) They are forward bases meant to support your war effort, acting as either an anchor in enemy territory or as economic support.
Settlement Plot
Settlement Plot - Settlements are small, cheap plots that provide either unit recruitment buildings or economy buildings. They're aren't the most powerful but can prove key in holding economic victory.

View of the Map[]

Northern ithilien creeps

Control over the central outpost in this map can be decisive. The other two outposts offer protection to the main base on one flank, and also a secondary launch point for attack against the enemy's flank.

Lair Locations[]

  • Goblin Lairs: Goblinlair
  • Troll Lairs: Trolllair

Gollum Possible Spawn Points[]

  • Gollum: Gollum spawn location

Points of Interest[]

Elvenbrooch *POIs are marked with an elven brooch.*

  • The Forbidden Pool: A non-functional Gondorian unit production building

Lair Types[]

Goblin Lair[]


Goblin lairs are the most common creeps. Their goblins deal a very small amount of damage, are high in number and respawn quite quickly. Usually the best strategy is to rush for the lair, cut the flow at the source and then take care of any leaks. Cavalry can also be used to clean up the exteriors but can be tricky due to goblin spears being a part of the creeps.

Troll Lair[]

Cave Troll Lair

Trolls, despite their appearance, are the most efficient creeps, being both easy to creep and very rewarding. The Trolls will always aim for your heroes, often wading through entire battalions to get to them and suffering trample revenge damage. This means that you can easily lure the troll through one or more battalions on aggressive stance to have it suffer heavy damage before turning around with your hero to attack when it turns around. This almost always guarantees an easy kill if well executed. Of course, pikes will make it much easier using this strategy, but even Orc Warriors can kill a troll using this tip. After that destroying its lair is easy and yields a high reward.


  • This map is the first mission in the original BFME 1 campaign for Gondor and the only time the Forbidden Pool functioned as a working unit production building.
  • The Forbidden Pool appears also in another map, Ithilien.