Edain Mod Wiki

The official Edain Tower Defense map is a two player map in which the players use the fixed build plot system to kill waves of enemies. In order to do so, they can build different towers on the plots, these towers all have strengths and weaknesses which defines their effectiveness against certain enemies. For example, Men of Gondor are resistant to arrows which means towers like the Lothlorien Tower and the Ranger Camp will be less effective against them.

Each wave increases in strength but the contents of each wave is random, meaning there is not best build order for towers, the player has to adapt on the fly to the different waves thrown at them.


Lothlorien Tower[]

Great arrow damage output, great range and supporting nearby towers.

Mirkwood Sentry[]

Great arrow damage against single foes, and can also deal magic damage.

Mordor Barricade[]

Weak on their own, but great in numbers, they deal arrow and also fire damage and are able to weaken their enemies.

Westfold Watchtower[]

High Pike damage, but no target control.

Rohirrim Tower[]

Enemies are crushed by the Rohirrim, but once a Rohirrim dies, it takes some time until they return.

Ranger Camp[]

Is able to launch an Arrow Volley at enemies and weaken them.

Gondor Border Fortress[]

Great arrow damage output, but also fire damage and area damage.

Traveling Camp[]

Levels up through experience and gets stronger on higher levels, slowing enemies and dealing great magic damage.

Dwarven Citadel[]

The Mighty Catapult launches attacks that crush its enemies and can also deal fire damage.

Dwarven Mineshaft[]

Spawns mineworkers, which dig a tunnel towards the nearest other mineshaft dealing siege damage to each enemy they cross.

Isengard Sentry[]

Deals great damage against single foes, and can deal extra damage against heavily armored enemies and monsters,

Wizard Tower[]

Deals great magic damage against single and multiple foes. Can also actively disrupt them.

Angmar Tower[]

Is able to massively slow single and multiple foes and deals ice damage in an area.

Tower of Sorcery[]

Curses enemies with a variety of spells, turning them into undead, poisoning them, or freezing them.

Plunder Tunnel[]

Low damage, but generates


Not yet revealed
